💡Quick Start
This page will run you through getting ZauberCMS up and running (Using either the .Net template or Nuget) and then creating your first page and getting data out the CMS.
Last updated
This page will run you through getting ZauberCMS up and running (Using either the .Net template or Nuget) and then creating your first page and getting data out the CMS.
Last updated
Fastest way to get started is using the .Net Template, firstly install the ZauberCMS template (--force just makes sure you install the latest one)
Then create your solution and project
Project names should start with ZauberCMS so the plugin system picks them up
This is the first Nuget package, and I'll make revisions to make it even easier, but for now, to get started using Nuget, either watch the video below or follow the instructions.
Create a new blank Blazor App, making sure the name of your project starts with ZauberCMS (i.e. ZauberCMS.MyProjectName ec...). This is important because this is how the plugin system knows what assemblies to look in to find the plugins and routes.
Clear out everything that is not needed, so you are left with just the wwwroot
and an empty program.cs
like below
Now install the ZauberCMS nuget package
In your Program.cs, update it to add the AddZauberCMS methods to the builder and the app and the correct namespaces
Now build your solution, and the ZauberCMS appSettings.json
default will be added to the solution,
Optional: By default it's setup to use SQLite. If you want to use MS SQL, then update the appSettings to point to your database and update the provider to the following
Now just build and run the app, you should see a 404 page. Just browse to /admin and create an account. The first account created will be made and admin, and it will redirect you to the admin.
The video below is a direct follow on from the video above, just after you have installed the Nuget package and shows how to get some data from the CMS
Currently the repo for ZauberCMS on Github comes with the starter site out of the box and uses SQLite. If you want to see how the Starter Site was built, then I would highly recommend watching the Video Tutorial
Clone the repo
Build and run the app
When the starter site loads
Go to /admin
Register as a new user and you will be redirected to the admin